Letter to the Editor: A Grateful Veteran’s ‘Thank You’ to Lipscomb’s ASCE Chapter

Dear Tennessee Star,

Lipscomb University, how proud Nashville should be of this fine academic institution. Here is my story.

On Sunday, the 28th of October, a group of wondrous young students came to my home and proceeded to clean my yard, cut my grass, pressure clean my house and seal my deck. They asked for absolutely nothing in return, and in the process, brought tears to my eyes, joy into my heart, and a profound renewal of my faith in young people of our country. This was a result of contacting a good friend, Ken Nelson, Jr., and requesting his help in finding someone to seal my deck which was getting weather-worn. Previous attempts to find people were fruitless and discouraging.

As a wheelchair-bound 100% disabled veteran, I simply must rely upon others for these things. Upon Ken’s recommendation, I contacted David Callahan, a Lipscomb student, and he came out. A fellow Marine veteran, he looked over my deck and he explained that he attended Lipscomb University, a Civil Engineering major, and there was a program of volunteer outreach that the ASCE Chapter supports. After discussing it with his fellow students, they expressed enthusiasm for volunteering to seal my deck. Even though my wife and I had saved some money to cover the cost, they wouldn’t accept any payment for the supplies. To say they were a blessing is simply an understatement.

As a senior citizen….in my 70’s….I am often frustrated by what I read and see involving young college students today. These students are shining examples of what still exists among our youth, self-sacrificing, giving of their time, their labor, and their hearts, they represent so well the best among us. Lipscomb University is a private Christian university and encourages this type of community outreach. It is a jewel among us, and I don’t see many colleges and universities in the news that seem to foster the ideals I saw among their students who came to my home.

I wish to name them; Lauren Kemper (President ASCE), Dustin Callahan (Vice President ASCE), Noah Kimbro (Comm. Officer ASCE), and the following students, Emily Morgan, Alex Butcher and his friend Lindsey, and three others, Hannah, Amanda, and David….Freshmen whose last names I did not get as they had to leave early. May our Heavenly Father guide them in their lives, may they prosper and be blessed is my humble prayer.


William H.
Lebanon, TN.



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